Mushrooms May Save Bees
A decade ago, honeybee populations around the world began declining at an alarming rate. In the early years of this trend, beekeepers lost 60 percent or more of their hives to a mysterious phenomenon...
View ArticleBeehive Construction: Innovative Beekeeping and Value-Added Marketing
Beehive construction isn’t limited to a single set of blueprints. There are options, and within those options, thousands of sustainable variations exist. Acres U.S.A., the monthly magazine of...
View ArticlePollinators in Peril
Pollinators have a staunch ally in Graham White. White, a small-scale hobby beekeeper in Scotland, has been an international campaigner on the dangers of neonicotinoid pesticides since 2003. To this...
View ArticleGrow Native Plants for Bees
The moment you get your first honeybees, you start noticing all the flowers around you and begin to ponder the potential plants you could grow to support pollinator health. You become acutely aware of...
View ArticleHarvesting Honey: Tips & Tricks for Efficient Extraction
When I think about harvesting honey it brings me back to my childhood. When I was a small child I would stay with my grandparents for a week at a time. They lived on a small farm and were...
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